A bright and vibrant colour block design print is a captivating mix of watercolour & inks. In shades of blue, teal, yellow, red, orange, green and purple, the design is a rainbow of colour.

Our unframed prints are made to fit standard sized frames.

Please note:

A4, A3 and A2 sizes are matt poster prints created with high quality Canon inks. Printed on matt 235 gsm paper.

A1 (Limited Edition of 50) and larger prints are Giclée prints, created with high quality archival paper and pigment inks. As a result, superior quality and longer lasting prints are achieved. Printed on 285 g/m2 matt watercolour texture paper from Hahnemühle with natural white tone.

We aim to ship items within 3-4 working days. If you require your order urgently please drop us a line and we’ll aim to ship out within 1 working day.

Rainbow Ink and Water Colour Blocks - Print

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